Blackberry & Strawberry Shrub | Gluten Free & Extra

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Shrubs (the drink not the vegetation) are type of stylish proper now however in precise reality, they’ve been round for a very long time. Vinegar shrubs might be traced again to the 17th century when in England vinegar was used to protect fruit and berries for the winter. The fruit-infused vinegar was then strained out and drank for medicinal functions. It was believed that vinegar shrubs might revitalize the guts and remedy illness.

These 17th century peeps have been probably not mistaken. The advantages of consuming shrubs embrace liver detoxing, blood sugar stabilization, combating free radicals and digestion ease, amongst others.

Shrubs form of fell out of favor within the mid-Twentieth century when sugary drinks like Coca-Cola turned widespread. However right this moment, we’re slightly extra conscientious of what we put in our our bodies.

These days, mocktails are all the fashion and these Blackberry & Strawberry Shrub mocktails usually are not solely good for you, however scrumptious.

We used Marukan Genuine Brewed Rice Vinegar on this recipe – I discover it lighter than different vinegars leading to a tastier beverage.

Get extra drinks recipes here.


Blackberry Shrub

Prep Time10 minutes

Prepare dinner Time20 minutes

Servings: 4 Cups

Energy: 442kcal

Creator: Gluten Free & Extra

Diet Information

Blackberry Shrub

Quantity Per Serving

Energy 442
Energy from Fats 9

% Each day Worth*

Fats 1g2%

Saturated Fats 0.04g0%

Polyunsaturated Fats 0.2g

Monounsaturated Fats 0.1g

Sodium 7mg0%

Potassium 46mg1%

Carbohydrates 109g36%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 106g118%

Protein 0.3g1%

Vitamin A 36IU1%

Vitamin C 2mg2%

Calcium 15mg2%

Iron 0.2mg1%

* P.c Each day Values are primarily based on a 2000 calorie food plan.

Disclaimer: All diet details on Gluten Free & Extra are meant solely as a information and will differ relying on product manufacturers used or ingredient substitutions. Some errors could happen, so you might be inspired to substantiate the recipe’s ingredient and diet suitability in your personal food plan.

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