Tropical Immunity Smoothie Bowl | Gluten Free & Extra

Must Try


Turmeric & ginger are two of probably the most extensively studied immune boosters in natural medication. They’ve each proven to assist relieve ache, lower nausea & improve immune perform to battle diseases & an infection.

Tropical Immunity Smoothie Bowl

Course: Breakfast, Important Course

Servings: 1

Energy: 882kcal

Diet Information

Tropical Immunity Smoothie Bowl

Quantity Per Serving

Energy 882
Energy from Fats 450

% Every day Worth*

Fats 50g77%

Saturated Fats 43g215%

Polyunsaturated Fats 1g

Monounsaturated Fats 2g

Sodium 83mg3%

Potassium 2160mg62%

Carbohydrates 114g38%

Fiber 11g44%

Sugar 77g86%

Protein 11g22%

Vitamin A 13357IU267%

Vitamin C 281mg341%

Calcium 150mg15%

Iron 10mg56%

* P.c Every day Values are primarily based on a 2000 calorie weight loss plan.

Disclaimer: All diet info on Gluten Free & Extra are meant solely as a information and should differ relying on product manufacturers used or ingredient substitutions. Some errors might happen, so you might be inspired to substantiate the recipe’s ingredient and diet suitability on your personal weight loss plan.

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