Vanilla Frozen Yogurt | Gluten Free & Extra

Must Try


After I lived in California, I used to be a Pink Berry fanatic – every time I glided by a location I needed to get a dish of their tart, tangy frozen yogurt. Generally I might get some fruit toppings however often, only a dish of that easy goodness was all I wanted for my repair.

Sadly, there is no such thing as a Pink Berry the place I stay now so I made a decision to try to make my very own model. This recipe is so easy, simply THREE INGREDIENTS! Yep, simply three – Greek yogurt, sugar, and Singing Dog Vanilla.

If for some purpose you may’t get your palms on Greek yogurt, you can also make strained yogurt – you will want 6 cups of plain yogurt, line a strainer with a number of layers of cheesecloth, and let the yogurt pressure within the fridge for six hours.

I’ve not tried this recipe with dairy-free yogurt but when I have been a betting gal (and I’m) I might wager it is going to work.

This recipe is very easy I hope you’ll give it a strive. It’s a good strategy to cool off this summer season!

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Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

Prep Time15 minutes

Fridge Time1 hr

Servings: 1 Quart

Energy: 1004kcal

Creator: Gluten Free & Extra

Diet Details

Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

Quantity Per Serving

Energy 1004
Energy from Fats 27

% Each day Worth*

Fats 3g5%

Saturated Fats 1g5%

Trans Fats 0.04g

Polyunsaturated Fats 0.1g

Monounsaturated Fats 0.3g

Ldl cholesterol 30mg10%

Sodium 218mg9%

Potassium 849mg24%

Carbohydrates 180g60%

Sugar 178g198%

Protein 62g124%

Vitamin A 24IU0%

Calcium 668mg67%

Iron 1mg6%

* % Each day Values are based mostly on a 2000 calorie weight loss program.

Disclaimer: All diet info on Gluten Free & Extra are meant solely as a information and should differ relying on product manufacturers used or ingredient substitutions. Some errors might happen, so you might be inspired to substantiate the recipe’s ingredient and diet suitability to your personal weight loss program.

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